Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Resource for 'Housedads'

I'm not actually a housedad, but do manage to spend more time at home than I would if I was on a 9-5, at least I have recently. So for all those dads out there, house- or not, I recommend I haven't read it all yet, but I find it funny. [The management of Nodrog's Gruntlings accepts no responsibility for anyone who does not agree with me.] I particularly recommend 'Dear Dave' - no relation (I think. Much. Well as I said above I'm not a housedad. Look, just read it and laugh, ok? Or smile grimly if that's all you can manage - but remember that just looking after the wean for an hour on a Saturday afternoon may seem hard when you're going through it, but it's bound to get easier if you're doing it 24/7, right? Hmm...)


DadsDinner said...

It would appear that I'm the last person in the world to set up a web page! Thanks for the mention, though.

Cheers. - Leaving a man in charge of children doesn't always mean a dog's breakfast.

Nodrog said...

No, I'm pretty sure my Gran hasn't yet.

You're welcome! Hope it drives up traffic - I've had a few visits from round the world, so they might come to you - I'll try to remember to put a link in the sidebar too.