Friday, February 02, 2007


I don't know about you, but I'm kind of stuck in a Churchian(*) habit of saying sorry for anything, regardless of whether it's big or small, my fault or not, deliberate or accidental. Part of it may be British/Scottish cultural influence, especially when you apologise to someone who bumps into you! Anyway, check out this SmuloSpace blog entry about apologies.

It blows me away.

How can we as a church/faith and as (individual) faith communities get back to this kind of corporate movement, that will lead to a physical action/change in the world? As our college principal mentioned today, you may not be able to change the world, but you can change someone's world.

(*) I reckon a Churchian is someone who is an adherent of Churchianity, that well known parody of Christianity (**)

(**) Whether we should even refer to Christianity or use something like 'I am a Christ-follower' (or 'I try to be a Christ-follower') is a debate for another time, possibly.


Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot for raising this here as well. I think that there could be a lot of healing and a better chance of people grasping the gospel if we did a better job of corporately apologizng more. I think people have a hard time to relate to "perfect" people--well, at least those who pretend they are.

Nodrog said...

hey paul, thanks for your visit and your comments!